Supporting the transition of handicraft teachers and trainers to the Digital Age
Crafts act as an important buffer in economic downturns and play a central role in providing VET on the job. The new generation of high tech digital tools and cutting edge machinery, like 3D printers, is transforming and leading the applied arts and craft sectors to a new digital age. To lead this transformation Europe needs to count with skilled handicraft teachers and trainers, equipped with the necessary competencies and resources to integrate these digital tools into innovative ICT based teaching and learning practices.
The aim of CRAFTS 3.0 project is to support the professional development of handicraft teachers and trainers in Europe in their transition to the digital age, by improving their teaching competencies on innovative VET education through ICT based methods and tools.
CRAFTS 3.0 prepares handicraft teachers and trainers to adapt their teaching practice to the next generation of high tech digital tools and cutting edge machinery, like 3D printers, vinyl cutters, CNC milling or laser cutting and engraving.

Multilingual eLearning Platform
- Fill the gap on training ICT-based teaching skills of handicraft teachers and trainers in Europe, and address their adaptation to cutting edge digital technologies.
- Define the competencies, knowledge and skills that handicraft trainers and teacher need to use and apply innovative teaching-learning methods, and thus generate a tool to support the recognition of these competences and support their mobility across Europe.
- Train handicraft trainers and teacher to use and design their own Learning APPs to be used in their own craft training courses, applying an innovative learning by doing and learning by project approach.
- Teach handicraft trainers and teachers to create and manage their own e-Learning courses on specific craft sectors with their students, by means of providing them innovative e-Learning courses and new Open Educational Resource on ICT-based teaching methods applied to Crafts.
- Create a new instrument to support further maturing of certification and accreditation policies on innovative teaching learning methods through ICT in VET for craft sectors in Europe.
Target users of the project products and methodologies are handicraft teachers and trainers. The project will help them to improve their teaching competencies on innovative VET education through ICT based methods and tools, and thus enhance their professional development in the transition to the digital age.
Handicraft teachers and trainers from Greece, Portugal, Romania, Spain and United Kingdom, will guide and implement the process of testing and evaluating the project outputs in real context with target beneficiaries, during the piloting phases of the project.
Target beneficiaries of the project are craftsman in general, especially those willing to participate in training and up-skilling of their professional competences.
European ECVET Curriculum on ICT-based teaching-learning methods in VET for craft sectors
The ECVET Curriculum defines and maps the competencies, knowledge and skills that handicraft teachers and trainers need in order to use ICT-based innovative teaching-learning methods in VET for craft sectors in Europe. Furthermore, this Curriculum will facilitate and enhance the transfer and recognition of Learning Outcomes in the use of ICT-based innovative teaching learning-methods in VET for craft sectors, at national and European level.
Training Modules on ICT-based teaching-learning methods in VET for craft sectors
This output consists on a comprehensive set of Training Modules on the use of ICT-based innovative teaching-learning methods in VET for craft sectors. These modules support handicraft teachers and trainers to improve their teaching competencies in innovative education through ICT, thus enhancing their professional development. Training modules include innovative educational materials, aligned with the previously developed ECVET Curriculum and in correspondence with the assigned EQF level.
CRAFTS 3.0 Mobile Instructional Learning APP
This multi-level mobile Instructional Learning APP facilitates the design and creation of new learning Apps. That is., by means of this Learning APP handicraft teachers and trainers can design and co-create their tailor made innovative mobile learning Apps to support their own professional development. Thus improving their teaching competencies in innovative education through ICT, by engaging them in a learner-centered design process to conceptualize, design and test their own learning APPS.
CRAFTS 3.0 Multilingual eLearning Platform
This set of interactive online services provides access to information, tools and resources, to support educational delivery and management through the Internet. Thus, this e-learning platform provides a methodological-didactic concept of e-learning course based on a new digital pedagogy and curriculum for the use of ICT-based innovative teaching-learning methods in VET for craft sectors in Europe.
The multilingual e-Learning Platform is aimed at
- Integrate an e-learning course on use of ICT-based innovative teaching-learning methods in VET for craft sectors, developed on the basis of the Training Modules.
- Provide handicraft teachers and trainers with access to this e-learning course.
- Help Handicraft teachers and trainers to create and manage new customized e-Learning modules adapted to the needs of craftsmen.
- Provide craftsmen with access to theses customized e-learning modules.
CRAFTS 3.0 Set of Mobile Learning APPS
This set of tailor made innovative mobile learning Apps is aimed at supporting the professional development of handicraft teachers and trainers in order to improve their teaching competencies in innovative education through ICT.
Handicraft teachers and trainers taking part in the project will design and generate these apps -using the Mobile Instructional Learning APP (IO.3)- adapting them to the specific needs and circumstances of their organizations and beneficiaries: craftsmen.
Guide for validation, certification and accreditation on ICT-based innovative teaching-learning methods in VET for craft sectors
This reference document includes recommendations for validation, certification and accreditation, aimed at policy makers, educational institutions, IVET and C-VET providers, social partners and other intermediary bodies. The Guide has been designed as a useful tool to support the process of maturing of certification and accreditation policies in the use of ICT-based innovative teaching-learning methods in VET for craft sectors in Europe.

FOACAL – Federación de Organizaciones Artesanas de Castilla y León
Spain – Lead partner

INFODEF – Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training

CEARTE – Centro de Formação Profissional do Artesanato

Transylvania Trust Foundation

INNOQUALITY Systems Limited

Keep up to date with the latest news and information about CRAFTS 3.0 project

This project (2017-1-ES01-KA202-038435) has been funded with support from the European Commission, though the ERASMUS+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein